Gardening as metaphor ~ from my coastal Southern California community garden ~ a gardening blog
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
How do I grow tomatoes? Two points
Number one: I follow the advice of this goddess of tomatoes. Yes, I do add all those ingredients she suggests when I can and I do try. Yes, yes, and yes to the bone meal, aspirin, eggshells and so on.
Number two: I think it's critical to pick the tomato variety best suited for your climate. For my little garden spot one block the ocean, I've found the smartest way to go is to buy cool climate varieties. How do I find out which ones are cool climate tomatoes? Easy. I check out this guy's site.
To bee or not to bee
It turns out if there are any urban beehives located on public property, the Santa Monica city policy is to bring out the equivalent of bee SWAT teams to eradicate and destroy any errant urban bees.
The local Santa Monica press, the Daily Press, recently wrote about a citizen beekeeper's attempt to change this policy.
Be it quixotic or not, he's got an online site as well as an online petition for all of bee lovers out there to sign.
Urban bee visiting one of my thornless boysenberry blooms
100 edible gardens in one weekend: Gardens of Gratitude goal
More on their site, called Gardens of Gratitude:
Is it possible to transform a town into an edible oasis in one weekend?
This April, we're attempting to plant 100 Edible Gardens in a single Weekend in neighborhoods across West LA!! Join a Garden Crew to help plant a garden in your neighborhood, or Register to Grow a Garden to have your garden added to our map and planted with the help of our volunteers and gardening experts! In one weekend, hundreds of Angelenos will join together to grow food and community in one giant garden party!
Join us in making our town an abundant, edible paradse of fruits, berries, nuts, veggies and flowers!
April 24th & 25th, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
First tomatoes
Nevertheless, being brave, intrepid and perhaps a bit foolish, I now have planted three tomato plants, all cold-tolerant (Valencia, Black Cherry, and Stupice) . Note that I have three volunteers growing quietly in the darkest corner of my plot while I have been railing about the need to plant cold-tolerant tomatoes here one block from the beach.
My Valencia has at least three wee tomatoes, of which one you can see in the photo below.
Here's the Black Cherry, grown from seed, December 2009.
Here's the Stupice, bought from the Santa Monica Farmers Market, Jimmy and Logan Williams, Organic Hayground.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Developing and pollinated thornless boysenberries in Southern California
Photo of thornless boysenberries still maturing. I predict these will be ready in May. I bought the original plant around two years from a local nursery. Last year's crop was not large. This year's crop should be substantially more, as long as the birds stay away. As soon as I harvest berries from a cane, I plan to cut it back to allow for next year's growth.
Family Rosaceae, Rubus ursinus
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Five reasons why I love arugula
1. They grow where I sow them, any nook or cranny placed in square foot sized plots, my only homage to square foot gardening. I prepare the soil by adding a little organic fertilizer and then water. After I throw seeds across the top of the soil, I mulch with dry alfalfa and then water.
2. They germinate quickly, within two weeks at the most.
3.I don't know how they do it but they somehow resist the bazillions of slugs in my garden who lie in wait for anything to consume. I think arugula isn't one of their favorite meals, thank goodness.
4. I love to thin them, precisely because they end up as my lunch.
5. If I miss any for lunch, I'm very happy to have a few plants go to seed so that I can collect more seeds.
Family Brassiceae, Eruca sativa
It's your closeup!
Arugula flower up close. This plant stands nearly 5 feet tall. I share its seeds: it also feeds the local perching birds that come through the area. There's plenty for all.
Family Brassicaceae, Eruca sativa
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Hiking Southern California
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Dare I count them? Carrot seedlings emerge
I know most people don't have a problem with growing carrots but I certainly do. This time, I tried sowing them on top of freshly tilled soil, then covering the seeds with a thick carpet of alfalfa. I had seedlings emerging in two weeks. Since I have bazillions of slugs lurking in every corner of my community garden plot, we'll see how many actually survive.
Family Apiaceae, Daucus carota
Time for an arugula salad lunch
First radish
Cherry Belle. Score 1 for me and none for the ravenous slugs of my garden plot.
Family Brassicacea, Raphanus sativus
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Light and linaria
Family Plantaginaceae, Linaria sp.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Sometimes I think
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Cilantro transforming into coriander
One day, I'll have seeds but when I pass by them, I can still smell the fragrant smell of cilantro.
Family Apiaceae, Coriandrum sativum
When you look for me
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Spring in Southern California
Redbud bloom, Family Fabaceae, Cercis sp.
Family Brassicaceae
Ceanothus in bloom.
Family Rhamnaceae,
I think this is phacelia, Family Hydrophyllaceae. I don't have my botany books on hand.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Mizuna bolting
It has been chilly again for us in southern California these last few weeks. However, I think it was the vernal equinox signalling to these guys it is time to bolt. I have also newly planted small tiny mizuna plants. Yes, they too have bolted, little tiny stems with little tiny flower buds. I'll see if I can get a photo up later.
Family Brassicaceae, Brassica rapa nipposinica
To harvest or not to harvest?
Romaine lettuce, sitting here next to my mizuna, has really leafed out. My mizuna is bolting, even the newly planted tiny ones. The romaine may be next so I decided it was time for home-grown salad greens for lunch. Deciding when to harvest is something I mull over regularly.
Family Asteraceace, Lactuca sativa L. longifolia