Monday, June 11, 2012

Native California plants in bloom

I would say these photos fall in the better late than never category.

These are from April of this year, the peak for these blooms. I have a corner of my plot devoted to drought resistant plants, fancy word for the plants I don't water.

The Douglas iris and yellow-eyed grass were from the Theodore Payne Foundation. For those in the southern california region who are eager to buy California native plants, this is the place to go. To get a feel for what they offer, here is a list of their nursery inventory. What is helpful is that, on their grounds, the plants are divided into habitats. If you are interested in plants who grow well in shade and drought-tolerant, they do have plants set aside that will do well in that habitat.

Douglas iris, Family Iridaceae, Iris douglasiana The Douglas iris is considered ok for shade and are drought tolerant. Absolutely gorgeous.

Douglas Iris

Hiking, I've encountered Blue-eyed grass more often. From the Theodore Payne Foundation, here is Yellow-eyed grass, Family , Sisyrinchium californicumThe yellow-eyed grass grows well in shade but needs more water.

Yellow-eyed grass

California poppy, Family Papaveraceae, Escholtzia californicum. This variant is cream colored, and I have been collecting seeds for this one. This is not from the Theodore Payne Foundation. I don't know the name of the variant.

California poppy

Here is their wiki on native plants, accessible in three different ways, via common name, family name or Latin name.

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